How to Successfully Write and Publish Your Book Online

In today's digital world, online book writing has become a popular option for aspiring authors who want to share their work with a global audience. Writing and publishing a book online not only allows for greater visibility but also provides an opportunity to connect with readers and build a following. In this article, we will explore the steps you can take to successfully write and publish your book online. 

Steps for online book writing:


Choose Your Niche and Plan Your Book

The first step in writing a successful book is to choose your niche and plan your book. Take the time to research your audience and determine what topics they are interested in. Consider your own expertise and interests, and choose a topic that you are passionate about. Once you have chosen your topic, plan out the structure of your book, including chapter titles and key themes.


Write Your Book

With your plan in place, it's time to start writing. Set aside regular time slots to work on your book and stay committed to your schedule. Consider using online book writing tools like Grammarly or That'showitwas to help you refine your writing and catch errors. As you write, don't be afraid to seek feedback from others. Join online writing groups, share excerpts with friends, and seek input from editors or writing coaches.


Choose Your Publishing Platform

Once your book is complete, it's time to choose your publishing platform. There are various options available in the market. Consider the features and benefits of each platform for online book writing, as well as their fees and royalties, and choose the one that best satisfy your needs.


Format and Upload Your Book

With your platform chosen, it's time to format and upload your book. Follow the guidelines provided by your chosen platform, and ensure that your book is formatted correctly for e-readers. However, this may involve hiring a professional formatter or using a formatting tool. Once your book is formatted, upload it to your chosen platform and set your price.


Promote Your Book

The final step in successfully publishing your book online is to promote it. Use email marketing, social media, and other online tools to connect with potential readers and build a following. Consider offering free samples or discounts to incentivize readers to purchase your book. Participate in online book writing communities and book clubs to increase your visibility and connect with readers.




That'showitwas is a powerful tool for individuals and organizations to capture and preserve their stories for future generations. By providing an easy-to-use platform for creating oral histories, That'showitwas is an online book writing tool that provides an excellent opportunity to write. Whether you're a family member recording a loved one's memories, a community organization collecting stories from residents, or a researcher studying a particular topic, That'showitwas offers a flexible and accessible way to document and share history. By utilizing the platform and encouraging others to do the same, we can ensure that important stories are not lost and that our collective history is preserved for future generations. Start capturing your stories today with That'showitwas.



FAQ 1: Q: What are some benefits of writing a book online? 

A: Writing a book online has several benefits, including the ability to easily collaborate with co-authors or editors, the convenience of being able to work from anywhere with an internet connection, and the ability to share your work with a wider audience through self-publishing. Additionally, online book writing tools often have helpful features like automatic saving and version control to make the writing process smoother.

FAQ 2: Q: How can I get started with writing a book online? 

A: There are several online platforms and tools available for writing a book, including Google Docs, Microsoft Word Online, and That's How It Was. Start by choosing a platform that suits your needs and preferences, then begin brainstorming and outlining your book. Don't be afraid to seek feedback from others and consider hiring a professional editor to help polish your final draft.

Take the First Step and Begin WritingYour Book Online Now!





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